Kontakt zu uns

Der Clubvorstand:
Michael Beth, DJ5LB
Volker Heck, DL3VH

Kontakt zum Vorstand


1. Dienstag

3. Freitag

im Monat um 19:30 Uhr

Details und Anfahrt


145.475 MHz
430.175 MHz

DMR (Brandmeister)
Talkgroup #262611
Repeater: DF0MOT


fox11.de Unser Club Nachrichten Volltext Meldung

Ham Radio Twin Towns Meeting 2011

24.11.2010 21:49 von Daniel Keil, DD7DKA

Hessentag 2011 in Oberursel / Germany

Ham Radio Twin Towns Meeting 2011In 2011 during the state event "Hessentag" (June 10th - 19th 2011) in the city Oberursel / Germany we want to meet all of our twin towns via ham radio. Oberursel has four twin towns, Épinay-sur-Seine (France), Lomonosov (Ломоносов, Oranienbaum / Russia), Rushmoor (England) and Koggenland / Ursem (Netherlands). We are looking forward to meet ham radio operators from all of these regions on air.

Searching You!

If you are from one of the twin towns or living near by please contact us. We are searching for ham radio operators and local ham radio clubs / radio societies for this event. You can send a E-Mail to Daniel, DD7DKA, public relations officer, with your contact details (Name, Call, E-Mail).

Visit our information page http://www.fox11.de/twin-towns-meeting.html.
